Growing Focus on Biological Prospecting
Biological prospecting is taking place in the Antarctic, and some Antarctic life forms have already been 'protected' with patents. The US Patent Office database contains more than 300 references to Antarctica and 92 applications for patents that refer to Antarctica, while a similar survey of European Patent Office records contains at least 62 patents that rely on Antarctic biodiversity. The question of whether companies should be able to profit from species unique to this region is complicated. In principle, provided there was a proper regulatory regime in place, one could say it could be treated like other activities. As Antarctica is set aside under the environment protocol to the Antarctic Treaty as a protected area dedicated to open science and environmental protection, allowing a free for all on bioprospecting does not appear consistent with those values. There seems little doubt that allowing a commercial bioprospecting to develop without a regulatory framework will tend to undermine one of the most important aspects of the way the Treaty system has operated – sharing all scientific information freely.
- Imagining Antarctica as a World Park: Regulating Tourism
- Antarctica as a ‘Natural Reserve’ Devoted to Peace and Science: Since the 1990s
- ‘Question of Antarctica’ in the United Nations: The Rise and Decline of Alternative Visualization of the Antarctic
- Growing Focus on the Resource Geopolitics: Southern Polar Region during 1970s and 1980s
- Antarctica as a Continent of Science and Peace: 1950s and 1960s
- IGY (1957–58) and the Discursive Transformation of the Antarctic
- Antarctica in the Cold War Ideological Geopolitics (1950s and 1960s)
- Antarctica
- A Shift of Responsibility